High School Planning
Freshman Year
When a student becomes a freshman, everything begins to “count.” Freshman grades are used to determine GPA, and freshman course, grades, and credits all become part of the student’s transcript. Freshman activities, honors, and awards can also be listed on college and scholarship applications.
Monitor Progress
· Get off to a good start with your grades.
The grades you earn in 9th grade will be included in your
high school GPA and class rank.
· Meet your counselor to begin talking about colleges and careers.
Get involved in a wide variety of activities
· Most college and scholarship applications ask students to
list their high school activities.
· Many applications ask for evidence of leadership
(officer of a club, captain of a team, etc.)
.· Depth of involvement is also important
(4-years on a team, 4-years a member of a club, etc.)
.· Participate in activities outside of school
(church, scouting, etc.).
· Participate in volunteer work
(community service, Red Cross, etc.).
· Keep a record of “Activities & Awards” either on
your computer or in your student portfolio.
Review your 4 year High School Plan
· Select the most appropriate courses for the sophomore year.
· Explore your interests and possible careers.
Take advantage of career day events and educational field trips.
· Check out career & college information available in the CRC.
Plan Meaningful Activities
· Join an athletic team.
· Develop a hobby, read, and/or do volunteer work
.· Get a job, work.
· Take advantage of summer programs offered at colleges.
.Start Saving for College